Saturday, April 5, 2008

Yep it's official! I suck at keeping this thing updated...

Okay so I always thought that I'd have the follow through to keep this page updated. Unfortunatly I can't and I just have to come to terms with that. Hopefully if there is anyone out there that reads this silly thing you will be patient or just bug me enough to update it. That actually seems to work with me.

So I have been knitting like crazy still. I'm working on a sample sweater for the store from an amazing new yarn from Berroco called Seduce. Love the name, and the yarn is yummy! I'm working on the Can Can pattern in color #4437 Gris-Bleu. It's fairly easy and fun to do, just not one that comes fast as I am finding it really hard to get any work done on it at home becuase you have to pay attention. That seems to be hard with the dogs, kids, husband and now chickens all pulling my attention away from my knitting.

So I wanted to work on another project that would be faster and a little more "mindless". Dru from the Shoppe had knit a really cute market bag out of the Bag Style book. I love the concept of market bags, but have always been worried about all the holes and the size of the holes. Call me paranoid but I'm always afraid to put stuff in them because I think it will rip or all fall out. So again in my Denyel twisted mind I thought that I'd come up with my own pattern. And I did, and I LOVE IT!!!!

Look there's like 14 balls of Malabrigo in there and a ton of room left! I field tested it at the mall the other day to see how much weight it could handle. Surprisingly more then I wanted to carry, which is good. That means it's durable. It's knit using size 17 needles and a Staggered Brioche Stitch so it's just a variation of a knit stitch. I rate this one Easy-ish.

The pattern is typeset and ready for print. As soon as I get it test knit and the pattern finalized it will be good to go. FYI if you want to purchase any of my other patterns visit my works website.

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